March 9, 2016
What's New?
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DennisB © Summary: In this quick article we cover a recent question one of our customer’s had about the SATAJet paint spray guns regarding the difference between “RP” and “HVLP”. Image to the left is a SATA Limited edition CHOPPER series! Read the rest…
March 4, 2012
What's New?
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The Transition’s wings fold up so that it can be driven on the road.
© Summary: Brief article on the Transition which is a “car plane”. The wings fold up and so this flying car can be driven on the road alongside regular vehicles.
I remember thinking that when the year 2000 came around we would have flying cars. Sort of like the Jetsons. Well the year 2000 has come and gone and we’ve had no flying cars. Until now… meet the Transition.
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April 21, 2011
Auto Specialty Tools, What's New?
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S.U.R.& R. Ratcheting Line Wrench is a Must for brake and fuel line service
© Summary: Everyone knows that has spent anytime working on cars the benefit of using ratchet wrenches. Ratcheting line wrenches are the latest automotive tool innovation that allows the speed of a ratchet wrench to be combined with a line wrench. That’s right, a ratchet wrench designed to be used on steel lines for brake lines, power steering lines, fuel lines, AC lines… you name it!
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June 27, 2010
Auto Shop Tools, Auto Specialty Tools, What's New?
The IR Ingersoll Rand Hammerhead impact tool at a recent trade show.
Summary: Ingersoll Rand introduced their newest air tool at a recent trade show in Orlando Florida. The new tool is an angled air tool with advantages of an air ratchet and the power of an impact gun. It has a 90 degree angle to fit in tight areas that a conventional impact gun will not access. The image above is of me trying out this monster at Ingersoll’s award winning booth in Orlando Florida on June 26, 2010. Read on for my tool review and more information on this new product.
October 24, 2009
Ford Problems, How To Auto Repair, Lisle Specialty Tools, What's New?

Champion 7989 spark plugs are a one piece design that eliminates separating (image courtesy of
Summary: In this auto repair blog post, we provide information about an improved design spark plug for Ford 3 valve engines. The original equipment Ford Motorcraft spark plugs have became notorious for breaking when being removed. One of our previous articles is on broken spark plug removal; but who wants to put the same bad design back in? There was a huge need for a newly designed replacement spark plug that would work in place of Ford’s badly designed spark plug that has caused much expense and inconvenience for many Ford owners. This article is about that plug and has application information as well.
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July 9, 2009
DIY, How To Auto Repair, What's New?
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Honda Ridgeline is one of the vehicles affected by TSB 08-045
Honda has always been a little different when its comes to their TSB’s (Technical Service Bulletins). They have used terms that are down to earth, that mechanics can understand easily. Plenty of technical information but without all the technical talk. Honda has now gone above and beyond their previous efforts to inform technicians about issues and fixes. The PDF provided by Honda not only has pictures, it has video and sound!
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July 9, 2009
DIY, Tech/Mechanic, What's New?
Chrysler 300 with only 37,000 miles overheated & towed in
What would cause two cooling fan motors to be out at the same time? One possibility is that they didn’t fail at the same time, one failed and the car was still able to be driven until the other failed also. But two fan motors failing on a car that only has 37,000 miles didn’t make sense either. Obviously power and ground supply was first checked with a power probe to verify the motors were getting the correct input to allow them to run. Once the fan motors were replaced, a terrible ticking noise was heard. More pictures below:
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October 4, 2008
Auto Specialty Tools, Ford Problems, Lisle Specialty Tools, What's New?

New Specialty tool for handling Ford broken spark plugs!
© If you’re a subscriber to our automotive tool blog, you know we pointed out in a previous post, the need for a less expensive alternative to the Ford Rotunda 303-1398. The SPX Rotunda 303-1203 removes broken spark plugs on some Ford 5.4 engines, 2004 and up. But it only works after the broken porcelain piece is out of the way. That’s where the new Lisle LIS 65600 automotive specialty tool, comes into the picture. The best way to try to prevent Ford spark plugs from breaking to begin with (per a Ford Technical Service Bulletin-TSB) is to loosen the spark plugs slightly and then soak them with penetrating oil. Sometimes the carbon build up around the electrode shield will still separate from the main part of the spark plug. So, in many cases the porcelain part of the spark plug will stay in. This prevents the use of the 303-1203. Rotunda offers the SPX 303-1398 to remove the porcelain or ceramic piece, but the pins included in this six hundred dollar kit can only be used once. The pins are secured into the center of the broken spark plug (where the electrode was) with loc-tite, then the puller is used to hopefully pull the ceramic piece out of the way, so the two hundred dollar 303-1203 can be used to remove the metal electrode shield.
Lisle’s Method, using the LIS65600 auto specialty tool implements a different approach. First, if the broken porcelain is stuck down in the spark plug hole, the first part of the Lisle kit is used to press it down a little further without breaking it.
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September 20, 2008
Auto Specialty Tools, KD Tool Blog, Mechanics Tools, What's New?

KD 41540 – What’s in your tool box?
You may already know from reading our auto tool blog that DenLors Automotive tools sells a lot of Jump-n-Carry Jump boxes, OTC scanners, OTC tire pressure monitors, OTC auto specialty tools and Visual Optics video inspection scopes (and much more). But did you know that KD tools has introduced many so many neat automotive hand tools recently that we have had to make special provisions to keep up with the demand? This automotive tool blog is on five of KD Tools latest and greatest auto specialty tools at prices that won’t break the bank.
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June 22, 2008
What's New?

My wife and I visited our local Lowes home improvement store, looking for a new ceiling fan. While looking up at the ceiling fans, I walked around the end of the aisle in-between a guy and this tool box. I actually walked right in front of him, while he was trying to snap a picture. The guy was all giddy, had his cell phone out and was snapping a shot of a tool box. He looks at me and says “It’s got a fridge”.
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