January 15, 2011
General Interest, How To Auto Repair, Tech/Mechanic
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© DenLorsTools.com Summary: The proper automotive tools are just one key component for a successful auto tech. Times have changed with vehicles becoming more complex all the time.
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June 14, 2010
Consumer, How To Auto Repair, Tech/Mechanic

1999 4.0 Jaguar XJ8
Summary: Jaguar XJ-8 no start problem. One of the most common causes of a no start condition in one of these Jags is a bad fuel pump. Where’s the fuel pump you ask? See the entire repair blog, included is a picture of the fuel tank. The pump is located inside.
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December 13, 2009
Auto Specialty Tools, DIY, How To Auto Repair, Tech/Mechanic

Summary: Rear wiper motors on many types of SUV’s and mini vans commonly fail. One reason they fail is due to infrequent use. Electric motors tend to work better when they are used often. Sometimes a rear wiper motor can be tapped lightly to make it work temporarily. This is a quick test (used a lot on Fords) that will help to verify there’s power present at the motor. The wiper motor may stop again before long, but knowing that the motor is getting battery voltage without having to take the trim panel off for testing is a definite plus. The vehicle featured in this car repair article is a Chevy, which doesn’t have the common Ford rear wiper problem. The 1999 S-10 Blazer hatch has been opened and closed many times over the years. This can cause the wiring from the body to the hatch to weaken over time much like breaking a wire hanger by bending it in the same position repeatedly.
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December 6, 2009
Auto Specialty Tools, Chry. 4.7 Problems, DIY, Head Gasket Repl., How To Auto Repair, Jeep, Tech/Mechanic
Summary: Mopar 4.7 engines used in many Jeep and Dodge vehicles share a common problem. Misfires which are accompanied with coolant loss, rear heater not working properly and engine temperatures running a higher than normal range, could have a leaking head gasket. There’s a couple of simple ways to check for a blown head gasket, one is by using a block test kit, another way is to use a cooling system pressure tester and removing the spark plug in the misfiring cylinder.
October 9, 2009
Air Conditioning, Consumer, DIY, Tech/Mechanic

The Robinair AC Machine is one of the most popular units for car air conditioning service.
©DenLorsTools.com Summary: In this auto repair article we discuss the reasons why a car’s air conditioning system may leak water inside the vehicle. Sometimes the fix is simple and other times the repair can be much more labor intensive. As an automotive technician that’s worked over 25 years in Florida, I’ve dealt with this problem many times on different models. If leaks aren’t fixed quickly, the carpet and padding underneath can become a breeding ground for mildew and harmful bacteria. People with certain allergies can be affected the most.
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September 5, 2009
Consumer, Drivetrain and Noises, Nissan, Service Writer, Tech/Mechanic

© DenLorsTools.com Summary: In this article we point out a common problem with Nissan automobiles equipped with the 3.5 Liter engine that causes engine tapping noises typically on cold start up. The engine has variable timing cam sprockets, three timing chains, three tensioners and three guides. Vehicles subject to similar issues may include Nissan Altima, Maxima, Murano, 350Z, Infiniti G35, G37, EX, FX, M series and QX4.
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July 9, 2009
DIY, Tech/Mechanic, What's New?
Chrysler 300 with only 37,000 miles overheated & towed in
What would cause two cooling fan motors to be out at the same time? One possibility is that they didn’t fail at the same time, one failed and the car was still able to be driven until the other failed also. But two fan motors failing on a car that only has 37,000 miles didn’t make sense either. Obviously power and ground supply was first checked with a power probe to verify the motors were getting the correct input to allow them to run. Once the fan motors were replaced, a terrible ticking noise was heard. More pictures below:
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May 30, 2009
Auto Scan Tool, Ford Problems, Tech/Mechanic

Mode $06 misfire information displayed
Misfires particularly in Ford cars and trucks can many times be identified before a misfire code sets and turns the CEL (Check Engine Light) on. This is a huge time saver, especially when there is a definite misfire felt but the code seems to take forever to appear. Fords take a long time in some cases to run through it’s necessary drive cycles needed for self testing. Auto technicians deal with this common problem of diagnosing misfires on Ford vehicles with no codes set by using Mode $06. Usually only manufacturer specific scan tools will display misfire data when there’s no code, but OBD 2 generic scan tools that can access mode 6 on Ford vehicles can be a great help.
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May 14, 2009
Consumer, DIY, Tech/Mechanic

Who knew the EGR passage on this Honda was underneath a cover on the plenum?
The best source for free auto repair manual information on-line can be found by simply using Google or other search engines for the mechanical problem or issue at hand. For instance if you were having a problem loosening a Honda crank pulley bolt for pulley removal; just type into Google “honda crank pulley removal” and you will find helpful information.
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January 18, 2009
Ford Problems, Head Gasket Repl., How To Auto Repair, Tech/Mechanic

Expedition body is raised for easier cylinder head removal.
Summary: If removing a cylinder head on an Expedition or Navigator, many professional technicians will do a “Body Off” procedure which makes the engine much more accessible. Although this appears to be over dramatic and an over-kill, it really doesn’t take that long to raise the body once you know what to do. Flat rate technicians make their money by getting the job done in the shortest period of time. And if that means seemingly going to extremes, so be it! Find out how to avoid going through all this trouble for a failed helicoil, by clicking here.
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