March 20, 2011
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© Summary: A story of an experienced car technician helping his son do an oil change. Suggestions on how to handle stripped threads related to the oil drain plug and oil drain pan.
Recently, I was helping my son do an oil change on his newly acquired 2006 Mustang (26,000 miles). He changed the oil in his previous vehicle only a few times; since I’m the father and a Master Tech, it was my job to help walk him through it. It’s funny how sometimes when you are teaching someone how to do something on a car, things don’t go as planned. After working on cars for over twenty five years and doing countless oil changes, they have become so second nature that nothing could be easier, right? Well, I expected my son’s first oil change on his new Mustang to take about 15 minutes. It took a little longer because we ran into a snag. Read the rest…
March 20, 2011
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Automotive Stripped Threads – Avoid Stripping and Cross Threading – Repair
© Summary: Suggestions from an ASE Master Auto Tech with over 25 years in the car repair business on how to prevent and repair stripped threads. Anyone who works on cars long enough will eventually come across a seized/stripped bolt or spark plug. Besides explaining to the customer that it wasn’t the mechanic’s fault, the next obstacle is to do the repair as inexpensively as possible.
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March 19, 2011
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Motorcycle Drain Plug Stripped – TIME-SERT 1215C 12×1.5mm
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TIME-SERT 1215C Summary: Using the correct thread repair kit allows the original size drain plug to be accepted. Many motorcycles like Ducati, Kawasaki, Suzuki and Honda use an M12x1.5 millimeter drain plug.
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March 19, 2011
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TIME-SERT Insert VS Helicoil brand
TIME-SERT 7111 Summary: Which thread repair company has the strongest, most durable Honda head bolt thread repair? We take a look at the Heli-Coil brand VS TIME-SERT. The information provided here will help Honda owners faced with a damaged engine block to make a decision that will allow them to sleep more easily.
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March 19, 2011
Time-Sert Kits for Harley Davidson Stripped Threads
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TIME-SERT Kits Summary: Harley Davidson motorcycles are notorious for stripped threads due to the vibration the motors generate. Stripped, cross threaded or otherwise damaged threads are a real pain to deal with. Luckily TIME-SERT Kits are available for most repairs.
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March 19, 2011
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© Summary: The Time-Sert model number 2200 is a universal thread insert repair kit which can be used for 11.0 x 1.5 Toyota head bolt thread repair. If the threads in the block are damaged, on many Toyota Camry’s, Rav 4’s and Scions; the TIME-SERT 2200 can help to save much time and expense.
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January 9, 2011

© Summary: Stripped head bolt threads may require the replacement of the engine block. With an increasing number of aluminum heads, damaged threads in blocks are becoming a more common issue than ever before. Included in this DenLors Tools auto repair article is a video showing how to repair head bolt threads right in the car or truck. A truly time saving head-bolt thread repair system made by TIME-SERT which is approved by leading car manufacturers. See the “related section” for the different head bolt repair kits offered for sale.
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January 8, 2011
Auto Specialty Tools, Calvan Tools, TIME-SERT Kits

© Summary: There are many thread repair kits available on the market today. The many choices can be very confusing for anyone who is faced with a repair that’s left their vehicle broken down. We help to provide simple information which makes choosing the best thread repair kits for particular situations.
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September 4, 2010
Chry. 4.7 Problems, How To Auto Repair, TIME-SERT Kits

© Summary: Dodge 4.7 engines ticking or tapping noise upon cold start-up is a very common problem. As the picture above indicates, exhaust manifolds and gaskets are usually the cause. Affected vehicles are Dodge Dakota pick up trucks, Dodge Durango SUVs and full size Dodge Rams equipped with 4.7 Liter engines. This auto repair article points out some of the things to look for when replacing the exhaust manifold gaskets on one of these trucks. Failure to inspect the exhaust manifold closely may lead to a repeat gasket failure. Suggestions on how to repair the problem right the first time – and the #1 cause of repeated failure is pointed out. It’s obvious once you know what to look for.
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March 28, 2010

Summary: Go to the 1415C Time-Sert Listing. Aluminum drain pans are used on many vehicles today to reduce over-all vehicle weight. However, drain plug threads on aluminum pans are weaker than steel threads and are more prone to wear from routine oil changes over time. When drain plug threads are stretched, stripped or otherwise worn – over-sized drain plugs or piggy-back plugs can be used as a temporary fix. One problem with using over-sized drain plugs, is that it’s difficult to get the correct size and then installing them straight and true is required to get a tight seal. Rubber expandable drain plugs are makeshift at best. TIME-SERT offers drain plug repair kits which use steel inserts that accept the original size drain plug. A steel insert offers a much stronger set of threads that well exceeds the strength of OE aluminum threads.
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