Mazda 6 Headlights Don’t Work – Auto Repair Info.
May 3, 2009 DIY, How To Auto Repair, mazda 12 CommentsFlash for pass was the only headlights working
A local technician I know had a problem with head lights only working in the “flash for pass” position on a 2003 Mazda 6. There were no running lights, no low beam or high beams. This was puzzling, at least the high beam bulbs were good and it wasn’t really possible for all the exterior lights to have bad bulbs. After checking all the usual things like the fuses in the passenger compartment fuse panel and the one under the hood and switching a few of the relays to see if anything would happen… nothing. The high beam indicator on the dash DID light up indicating that the switch was doing something and the switch felt normal; sometimes on cars if a switch feels funny, loose or worn that would be an indication of a problem.