August 15, 2009
Apprentice Tech, DIY, How To Auto Repair, Jeep, Service Writer

2003 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4.0 Liter Engine with a P1281 Code.
This automotive repair article is on a specific check engine light code for a Jeep Grand Cherokee. When scanned with an automotive scan tool, a P1281 fault code was retrieved. The code has to do with the engine not reaching operating temperature within a certain length of time after the vehicle has been started. For the catalytic converter to operate at it’s best the engine needs to reach it’s normal operating temp. The cooling system’s thermostat normally stays closed when the engine is cold, allowing the motor to warm up quickly. That’s why the trick of removing the thermostat to let the car run cooler, like back in the 1970’s (prior to on-board computers) doesn’t work well anymore.
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August 8, 2009
Air Conditioning, DIY, Evap Replacement, How To Auto Repair

Pictures are of a 2004 Dodge Stratus like the Chrysler Sebring – click on images for a larger view.
© Summary: In this automotive repair blog, we provide some helpful information on how to R&R (Remove and Replace) the evaporator in a 2004 Dodge Stratus. Replacing the heater core is basically the same job, except for the replacement of the receiver drier. These tips are for the 4 door sedan, yes the the coupe and the convertible may be different depending on the year. If working on a different model or year it would be advisable to refer to an auto repair manual. Auto repair manuals provide detailed info on changing components like the evaporator in any model. Just keep in mind that for evaporator or heater core replacement, most of them will say “see removal of instrument panel.” Which is accurate except for the fact that if all you’re doing is moving the dash to access the evaporator case, dismantling the dash isn’t really needed. If the instrument panel is removed as described in most auto repair manuals, many more parts will be removed unnecessarily.
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July 25, 2009
DIY, Drivetrain and Noises, How To Auto Repair

This Kia Rio had a severe engine vibration, see the picture below for the cause.
© Summary: Suggestions of what to check when a car has excessive drivetrain vibrations. There are several things that can cause an engine to shake. If there is an engine vibration problem, typically it gets worse with the air conditioning turned on since there is more of a load on the engine. In this auto repair article, we will cover several things that can be looked at to help diagnose the problem.
Misfires can definitely cause an engine to shake, usually in most late model cars a misfire will almost always be accompanied by a CEL (Check Engine Light) and misfire code. Many times if the engine also stalls, there could be excess carbon build up on the throttle plates or IAC (idle air control motor). Cleaning the throttle body and IAC is a common practice when trying to eliminate possible causes of engines vibrating.
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July 25, 2009
Auto Specialty Tools, Calvan Tools, Ford Problems, How To Auto Repair, Tool Comparison

Unique Ford spark plug design can easily break when removed
Summary: © When changing Ford spark plugs it’s good to be aware of the potential of breaking them in certain models. In this repair article, find out which ones are susceptible to separating when being removed. Learn how to remove them without breaking them and how to remove them if they do break. Denlors Auto Repair blog has had several articles about removing broken sparkplugs in Ford vehicles. In addition to Rotunda Separated Spark Plug Remover, we offer several less expensive options of removal tools. Compared to Ford Rotunda special service tools, we save our customers a lot of money, when removing broken spark plugs.
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July 18, 2009
Apprentice Tech, Auto Specialty Tools, Ford Problems, How To Auto Repair

2003 Ford Taurus with a P1131 oxygen sensor fault code 3.0 DOHC
This automotive repair blog covers a couple of common fault codes that sets the SES (Service Engine Soon) or CEL (Check Engine Light) whichever term you prefer to use. The codes are a P1131 or a P1151, the P1131 is related to B1 S1 (Bank 1 Sensor 1) oxygen sensor which is located near the firewall on the 3.0 DOHC Taurus pictured above. The P1151 is related to the bank that is located near the radiator. There are several probable causes of these codes, we’ll cover the possibilities to help in diagnosing this particular problem.
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July 9, 2009
DIY, How To Auto Repair, What's New?
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Honda Ridgeline is one of the vehicles affected by TSB 08-045
Honda has always been a little different when its comes to their TSB’s (Technical Service Bulletins). They have used terms that are down to earth, that mechanics can understand easily. Plenty of technical information but without all the technical talk. Honda has now gone above and beyond their previous efforts to inform technicians about issues and fixes. The PDF provided by Honda not only has pictures, it has video and sound!
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July 7, 2009
DIY, Ford Problems, How To Auto Repair

2000 Ford Expedition P0401 doesn’t necessarily mean the EGR is bad
Summary: Ford DPFE problems discussed. Common causes for Ford EGR low flow issues and P0401 fault code triggered. Don’t replace the EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) valve just yet if you have a P0401 code on a 4.6 liter engine like the one in this Expedition. The diagnostic code definition states “Low flow from E.G.R.” Low flow doesn’t mean definitively that the EGR is bad. Low EGR flow can be a problem in any Ford, Mercury, Lincoln, Mazda and many other car’s for that matter. On a lot of Ford vehicles this code will mean there is a faulty Differential or Delta Pressure Feedback (DPFE) sensor. This was such a common problem there was an extended warranty coverage on them for awhile. Not many people knew about Ford covering these on some models for an extended period of time. At the shop I worked at, an extended warranty company first alerted us to this when they declined an extended warranty claim because Ford would replace it under warranty.
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June 27, 2009
Air Conditioning, DIY, How To Auto Repair

Leaves accumulated near the fresh air intake can enter the car’s evaporator case.
© Summary: Article on low flow from air conditioning vents in cars. Neglected cabin air filters are the leading cause of this issue. Although, there are several things that can cause low airflow from a vehicle’s air conditioning system. The strongest blowing vents are the middle ones with the setting adjusted to maximum or recirculate. On the max setting, the air is recirculated in the passenger compartment. Obstructions can include leaves, loose articles from the glove-box, a broken or out of position door in the Heating Ventilating & Air Conditioning (HVAC) case.
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June 14, 2009
DIY, Ford Problems, How To Auto Repair, Lean Codes

Ford Expedition lean codes could caused by a leaky PCV hose.
If a car has a check engine light on and has P0171 and P0174 codes stored, the most likely cause is a vacuum leak. These codes are set by the car’s computer when it sees too much oxygen in the exhaust. Excessive oxygen readings in the exhaust will set lean codes. This does not mean that the oxygen sensors are defective. It is a common mistake for people to replace oxygen sensors when lean codes are present. Just because the code is related to oxygen sensor readings, it doesn’t mean that the oxygen sensors are bad. If both of these codes are stored this means that both banks of the engine have excessive oxygen in the exhaust. If the oxygen sensors are replaced it’s most likely that the same codes will reappear. It is very uncommon for two oxygen sensors to fail at the same time.
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May 16, 2009
DIY, Ford Problems, How To Auto Repair, TPM Tire Press.

2005 Ford Expedition TPM reset procedure requires a magnet
© – Reset Magnet for sale. Summary: In this auto repair blog post we outline the TPM reset procedure for the 2005 Ford Expedition, first allow me to explain a little about how Tire Pressure Monitoring systems work. TPM (Tire Pressure Monitor) systems are either direct or indirect. The 2005 Ford Expedition uses a direct tire pressure monitoring system. It has sensors that measure the exact tire pressure in each tire (this can also include the spare). The tire pressure sensors are incorporated into the metal valve stems on the Expedition, they transmit the tire pressure information to the ECU (Electronic Control Unit). TPM sensors have a battery that only last so long and will eventually fail over time like any other battery. TPM sensors are not serviceable, so when the battery goes bad the TPM sensor has to be replaced. If a tire is low and the TPM system is working properly, a warning will be displayed on the dash alerting the driver. The tire pressures should be checked as soon as possible to avoid damaging a tire beyond repair. Tire change mechanics must be careful when changing tires with TPM sensors because tire machines can easily damage a sensor. Fix a flat tire sealer or a similar product can also damage the sensors.
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