March 10, 2011
Ford Power Stroke, Ford Problems, Mechanics Tools
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© Summary: Specialty tools for diesels are not as easy to find as tools for cars. OTC is changing that. A recent tool introduction that will assist in checking hard starts in Ford 6.0 diesels is now available.
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January 22, 2011
Ford Problems, Public Service

© Summary: At this time at least one law firm is investigating a spark plug problem with certain Ford vehicles (4.6 and 5.4 3v engines) after widespread reports by owners regarding costly repairs. For several years now, DenLors Tools has been helping to inform and supply Ford owners with the tools and information needed to remove broken spark plugs in these motors. Our goal is to help our customers get their vehicles back on the road quickly and as inexpensively as possible. Some that may have found our repair articles on this subject (Ford Spark Plug Problems) too late may have fell victim to a much larger repair bill. Recently, we’ve learned of a possible class action lawsuit which may help recoup some of their losses.
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December 11, 2010
Ford Problems, How To Auto Repair

Ford cruise control systems are easy to check on certain models with a cool self test!
© Summary: This auto repair article covers checking Ford cruise control systems that have a unique self test. Certain models have a test built into the computer system which can help to pinpoint the cause of a malfunctioning speed control system. Entering the test mode is easy for anyone once you know the procedure. No scan tool is required for this pinpoint test! Read the rest…
November 15, 2009
Auto Specialty Tools, Calvan Tools, Ford Problems, How To Auto Repair

Summary: Ford spark plug blowout repair is covered in this article for 4.6, 5.4 & 6.8 liter engines. There are different brand insert repairs available for this Ford spark plug problem, however they are not all as effective and long lasting as the solution we recommend. Many Ford dealers want to charge thousands to replace the cylinder heads, when our repair can be done in the vehicle for a fraction of the cost. We sell some competitive brands like Lisle and Helicoil, however the Horizon made Calvan 38900 (Mount.9200 same w/different labeling) is the best repair system on the market today. We’ve sold hundreds of these, saving Ford owners a ton of money in the process. In the following article we’ll explain why this should be the next and last repair purchased for this particular repair.
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October 24, 2009
Ford Problems, How To Auto Repair, Lisle Specialty Tools, What's New?

Champion 7989 spark plugs are a one piece design that eliminates separating (image courtesy of
Summary: In this auto repair blog post, we provide information about an improved design spark plug for Ford 3 valve engines. The original equipment Ford Motorcraft spark plugs have became notorious for breaking when being removed. One of our previous articles is on broken spark plug removal; but who wants to put the same bad design back in? There was a huge need for a newly designed replacement spark plug that would work in place of Ford’s badly designed spark plug that has caused much expense and inconvenience for many Ford owners. This article is about that plug and has application information as well.
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October 17, 2009
Auto Specialty Tools, Ford Problems, How To Auto Repair, Mechanics Tools

Ford has had a long history of coming up with unique ideas – Edsel case in point.
Summary: In this auto repair blog we cover some of the most common Ford mechanical issues in late model Ford vehicles. Learn how a minor tune up could lead to a several thousand dollar repair. Some of the most notable problems are with spark plugs ejecting (and breaking) – EGR systems, transmission failures and keys getting stuck in the ignition. Along with common problems, auto mechanics need specialty tools in some cases to make repairs; we cover those too.
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August 22, 2009
DIY, Ford Problems, How To Auto Repair, Lean Codes

Summary: This auto repair blog post provides a quick easy way to check for a vacuum leak that can cause lean codes on Ford Windstars.
Ford seems to have more than it’s reasonable share of lean codes, the Ford Windstar is no exception. If all the usual suspects have been investigated and no leaks were found, there’s another possible cause of a lean code when diagnosing a Ford Windstar. At one time I had so many of these vehicles to work on… I kept a parts list! In my notebook, I kept a list of part numbers that made writing up an estimate for repairs much easier. Later, when I used the computer at work more I converted my notes over to a “Word Document” file that allowed me to copy paste. When you work Flat Rate, you learn to save time when you can! Back to the subject at hand. In this auto repair article we briefly cover a common cause of lean codes on the Ford Windstar.
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July 25, 2009
Auto Specialty Tools, Calvan Tools, Ford Problems, How To Auto Repair, Tool Comparison

Unique Ford spark plug design can easily break when removed
Summary: © When changing Ford spark plugs it’s good to be aware of the potential of breaking them in certain models. In this repair article, find out which ones are susceptible to separating when being removed. Learn how to remove them without breaking them and how to remove them if they do break. Denlors Auto Repair blog has had several articles about removing broken sparkplugs in Ford vehicles. In addition to Rotunda Separated Spark Plug Remover, we offer several less expensive options of removal tools. Compared to Ford Rotunda special service tools, we save our customers a lot of money, when removing broken spark plugs.
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July 18, 2009
Apprentice Tech, Auto Specialty Tools, Ford Problems, How To Auto Repair

2003 Ford Taurus with a P1131 oxygen sensor fault code 3.0 DOHC
This automotive repair blog covers a couple of common fault codes that sets the SES (Service Engine Soon) or CEL (Check Engine Light) whichever term you prefer to use. The codes are a P1131 or a P1151, the P1131 is related to B1 S1 (Bank 1 Sensor 1) oxygen sensor which is located near the firewall on the 3.0 DOHC Taurus pictured above. The P1151 is related to the bank that is located near the radiator. There are several probable causes of these codes, we’ll cover the possibilities to help in diagnosing this particular problem.
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July 7, 2009
DIY, Ford Problems, How To Auto Repair

2000 Ford Expedition P0401 doesn’t necessarily mean the EGR is bad
Summary: Ford DPFE problems discussed. Common causes for Ford EGR low flow issues and P0401 fault code triggered. Don’t replace the EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) valve just yet if you have a P0401 code on a 4.6 liter engine like the one in this Expedition. The diagnostic code definition states “Low flow from E.G.R.” Low flow doesn’t mean definitively that the EGR is bad. Low EGR flow can be a problem in any Ford, Mercury, Lincoln, Mazda and many other car’s for that matter. On a lot of Ford vehicles this code will mean there is a faulty Differential or Delta Pressure Feedback (DPFE) sensor. This was such a common problem there was an extended warranty coverage on them for awhile. Not many people knew about Ford covering these on some models for an extended period of time. At the shop I worked at, an extended warranty company first alerted us to this when they declined an extended warranty claim because Ford would replace it under warranty.
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