February 16, 2016
Auto Repair Shop, Auto Shop Tools
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DennisB DenLorsTools.com © Summary: Car manufacturers are using much more aluminum in vehicles today reducing over-all weight to increase fuel mileage. One example is Ford and it’s new trucks having an aluminum cab to reduce vehicle weight by hundreds of pounds. We’ve seen it for years in engine components with aluminum heads, blocks and intakes etc. Suspension and steering components are used a lot too. But, now more body panels are aluminum. With aluminum body panels new tooling is needed to handle these repairs. But what if one dent repair station can handle both steel and aluminum? What if the station could also be used for paint on and paint off? If you own or work in a body shop, I think you’re going to like the H&S Autoshot 9850. Read on or go on over to our product listing for current pricing and a video showing all the ways the H&S Autoshot UNI-9850 can be used as you own personal profit center!
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September 8, 2014
Auto Shop Tools, Consumer

DenLorsTools.com Summary: This article is on the evolving tool industry. There’s been many industries that have experienced change over the years. More on that in this article. Franchise tool sales companies like Snap On, Matco, Mac, Cornwell and USA Tools are currently feeling the squeeze due to many reasons, but primarily because of online tool sales. As an automotive tech for many years, I’ve seen a lot of tool truck franchise owners come and go. The most dependable one that I can remember was the Snap On guy. The next was USA Tools, which was basically an independent truck that sold many of the same tools that we sell on our websites today at DenLorsTools.com and WiseAutoTools.com.
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March 9, 2011
Air Conditioning, Auto Shop Tools
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Ancient dial a charge cylinder on the left, modern AC machine on the right.
© DenLorsTools.com Summary: Robinair has certainly changed through the years. One of the best names in-car A/C Machines (for Recovery, Recycling and Recharging) is still priced low enough for auto repair shops to afford easily. With today’s economy repair shops are looking for good ROI (return on investment) more than ever. That’s why shops who are looking to increase profits this summer, are considering upgrading their old AC charging station to the ROB 34288 Cooltech.
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February 20, 2011
Auto Shop Tools, How To Auto Repair

© DenLorsTools.com Summary: Auto repair information related to the “weight sensor” otherwise known as the Occupant Classification Sensor for SRS systems. Modern Safety Restraint Systems typically use a sensor in the passenger front seat to indicate if a passenger is present. If no one is in the seat, the system will not deploy the passenger side air bag in the event of an accident.
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October 10, 2010
Auto Shop Tools, Auto Specialty Tools, Chevrolet
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Above is a still image of the Malibu, see below for the You Tube Video.
© DenLorsTools.com Summary: In this car repair article IÂ (Dennis Bandy) cover mechanics tools and shop equipment also specialty tools that make removing a transmission if a FWD (Front Wheel Drive) easier. A quick stop motion video is included showing the engine cradle and then the transmission being removed. The Chevrolet Malibu had a rear main seal leaking in an Ecotec engine. In the video I share one of my experiences that resulted with me on my back in a puddle of transmission fluid.
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June 27, 2010
Auto Shop Tools, Auto Specialty Tools, What's New?
The IR Ingersoll Rand Hammerhead impact tool at a recent trade show.
Summary: Ingersoll Rand introduced their newest air tool at a recent trade show in Orlando Florida. The new tool is an angled air tool with advantages of an air ratchet and the power of an impact gun. It has a 90 degree angle to fit in tight areas that a conventional impact gun will not access. The image above is of me trying out this monster at Ingersoll’s award winning booth in Orlando Florida on June 26, 2010. Read on for my tool review and more information on this new product.
October 11, 2009
Auto Shop Tools, jump-n-carry

Summary: In this auto service article we review the Jump and Carry booster pack line-up. These booster packs (jump starters) are manufactured by Clore automotive, which is one of the largest jump box suppliers in the automotive service industry – we cover the reasons why they maintain their top position. Jump and Carry booster boxes are available in several different CCA’s (Cold Cranking Amps) ranges, which allows the auto professional to purchase the size unit that best fits their needs.
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May 9, 2009
Air Conditioning, Auto Shop Tools

AC Machine by Robinair
©DenLorsTools.com Summary: Robinair AC machines are the most popular machines for servicing car air conditioning systems in repair shops throughout the USA. Robinair is an industry leader in the air conditioning field, developing new and innovative products. Robinair was started in 1956 by the Kent-Moore Corporation in Michigan. The Robinair division of Kent Moore was created to design and manufacture specialty tools for repairing home appliances.
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September 6, 2008
Auto Shop Tools, Tool Comparison

The Rigid brand video inspection scope is called the SeeSnake
Fiber optic borescopes have been a great tool for auto techs, locksmiths, plumbers and electricians for years. Until recently there hasn’t been many options for a video based borescope that is affordable. Not too many auto technicians or electricians that want to spend five to ten thousand dollars for a fancy video based borescope. There are basically two options for a low priced video scope that can be used for a variety of purposes, the Rigid See Snake and the Visual Optics Video Stik.
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August 30, 2008
Auto Shop Tools, OTC Tool Blog
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OTC Hand Held Battery, Charging System/ Starter Tester
The OTC Sabre is a hand held tester that is an easy to use alternative to the OTC Minuteman electrical tester. This tool is very easy to use, quick and accurate. The Sabre being a hand held unit, is not subjected to the abuse of rolling across rough shop floors. It comes in a nice storage case, some models come with a wireless infrared printer. A battery tester with a printer is a good sales tool, no pun intended.
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