Pacifica Lumbar Doesn’t Work – Auto Repair Blog
November 22, 2009 2:35 pm Consumer, DIY, How To Auto Repair
If the lumbar feature support doesn’t work on your Chrysler Pacifica, you may be in luck since the repair can be done fairly easily in most cases. Unlike the lumbar support in some other models, the Pacifica uses a mechanical flex plate system instead of an air-filled bladder. The air-filled bladders can leak and are a real pain to replace, since the seat has to be removed and seat upholstery taken off to access the bladder. On the Pacifica the rear trim cover is removed by using a trim tool to access the lumbar motor and mechanism assembly. After removal of the access cover, the mechanism can be inspected for loose pieces, the cable for stripped ends and the motor can be checked to make sure it is receiving power from the switch. The lumbar motor and flex plate are sold as a unit, so there’s no need to spend a lot of time diagnosing the specific issue as long as the motor is getting power and ground.

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John Kelm :
Date: August 17, 2014 @ 12:39 pm
On my 2006 Pacifica, removing the two Phillips screws on the upper support bracket does not loosen the bracket. In fact it appears the bracket is part of the overall seat frame and the screws merely anchor the seat cover. After removing the screws, the upper bracket remains solidly in place and the lumbar unit cannot be unhooked and removed.
dennisb - Auto Tool Sales :
Date: August 18, 2014 @ 7:41 am
John, perhaps if you can’t figure out how to remove the bracket perhaps you can just change the lumbar assembly by detaching it from the upper bracket. Good Luck.