February 14, 2010
Auto Specialty Tools, Chevrolet, DIY, GM Intake, How To Auto Repair

Video I made a while back showing the specialty tool in use.
© DenLorsTools.com Summary: Automotive repair blog article on changing intake gaskets on GM 3.1 and 3.4 v-6 engines. Often the problem of water in the oil is mis-diagnosed as blown head gaskets. There are many time saving tips that can be used when changing the gaskets in this and Denlor’s original tech article linked within. The image above is click-able, it opens a new window for Youtube – just watch the volume! The tool is a Lisle 48500, we’ve been selling it for several years now.
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December 19, 2009
Chevrolet, Consumer, General Interest

Summary: Due partially to the economy with people finding it harder to get financing, demand is down for new and used cars. Right now some great deals on slightly used cars can be picked up, even at the new car dealers. This 5.3 V-8 2007 Impala SS loaded with 40,000 miles was picked up at a great price ($14,500) at Gordon Chevrolet in Tampa Florida. The leather was a little worn and honestly a little plain – too much grey was used on the interior. By getting this car at a great price, we budgeted enough money to snazz up the interior a bit. That’s where our local upholstery shop comes in. Cimo & Cimo’s Upholstery shop has a location in Tampa Florida, they will reupholster just about anything, from hot rods to yachts. Installing window film is a large part of their business too. Who in Florida would invest in a new leather interior for their car and not shade it from the sun? This article has before and after pictures of the plain grey and the two tone leather after it was installed.
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February 7, 2009
Chevrolet, How To Auto Repair

Cam solenoid is missing screen at X position
© DenLorsTools.com Summary: Many Chevrolet Colorado and GMC Canyon pick ups are having problems with P0014 and/or P0017 codes. This has to do with the correlation of the camshaft and crankshaft as the computer sees them. Idle can be affected and the vehicle can even stall. The culprit is almost always the camshaft actuator solenoid valve, not the crankshaft position sensor or a cam position sensor. There have been reports of rough idle and fluctuation as well. The solenoid affects the variable cam timing control. One of the tiny screens can wear and be disintegrated causing everything to go awry.
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