March 23, 2012
Brake Bleeding, brakes, Calvan Tools
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Above is a flare made easy by the Calvan 164.
© Summary: Question from a blog reader answered by a master auto technician regarding tools and advice for installing replacement brake lines.
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March 12, 2011
Brake Bleeding, DIY, Oil Change
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© Summary: Suggestions on the many uses of fluid evacuators, products also available for sale. Fluid evacuators are a huge time saver and such a convenient tool when it comes to pulling fluid out of a car. DenLors Tools has a variety of fluid evacuators/suction pumps for sale at great prices. The selection offered makes it easy to find the right one.
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September 6, 2009
Brake Bleeding, DIY, How To Auto Repair

Image courtesy of PansyPatrol
© Summary: In this auto repair blog, we answer readers questions about brake bleeding, one of which is about frozen bleeder screws.
Question: Can you bleed the brakes if ALL the little bleeder valves on each corner are froze? What do I do? Serious Screwed? Thanks ya’ll
It’s no surprise, rusty bleeder screws (and other under carriage parts) like you describe usually get rusted from being exposed to salt. In northern states affected by snowy winter conditions come into contact with salt on roads used for de-icing. In ocean front communities like here in Florida a lot of vehicles are exposed to salt when launching boats and jet skis. I’ve worked on my share of rusty brake lines, calipers, wheel cylinders and suspension parts. Working as a mechanic near Tampa in the 80’s and 90’s I could always tell if a car was from up north. I always said if every vehicle I worked on was rusty from salt exposure I would be looking for a new profession!
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