August 30, 2009
DIY, How To Auto Repair, Service Manager
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Summary: Headlight restoration kits reviewed for clearing up yellow hazy headlights. Restore head lights to clear condition for safety and better appearance.
We recently had a customer that owns a car wash purchase 100 of Bright Solutions Headlamp Restoration kits. This of course peaked our interest and we had to ask ourselves the question. “Why would a car wash business purchase so many of these kits?” Obviously they were impressed with the performance of the product. Pictures are worth a thousand words, that’s why in this article we’ve decided to let them do most of the talking. Below we show before and after pictures of our test run with this product .Our test subject is a 1997 Saturn with 139,000 miles on it. The headlights are yellow and hazy.
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August 9, 2009
Apprentice Tech, Service Manager

Image courtesy of
© Summary: The Internet has many oil leak stories from customers that have had bad experiences at Jiffy Lube and other auto repair shops throughout the country. Sometimes the oil leak is due to an inexperienced oil lube tech making a rookie mistake, like double gasketing a filter. Another common mistake is not cleaning the mating surface of the gasket or using the incorrect oil filter to begin with. These can be horror stories no matter which end of the spectrum you are positioned in. It’s horrible public relations for any repair shop to have a previous patron telling everyone who will listen, how awful their experience was. In their mind if the repair shop was the last one to touch their car, they MUST be responsible! Sometimes this is the case, but other times the repair shop is NOT at fault. The following is what happened several years ago when a customer had his car towed to us after all the oil leaked out, following a Jiffy Lube oil change.
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November 19, 2008
General Interest, Service Manager, Tech/Mechanic

Courtesy of
Big three auto makers bubble is soon to burst, the question is should the Government bail them out? What is the best tool to use when it comes to their situation? What would your grandparents suggest? And what guarantee do we have that they won’t come back again later knocking on our door, begging for money like a drug addict in the middle of the night. What remains obviously apparent is that without bankruptcy, the big three will not be able to re-negotiate their obligations with the unions. No doubt, the unions have done their job of getting every dollar that they could for their members. The problem is, they may have just priced themselves out of a job.
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November 14, 2008
Apprentice Tech, General Interest, Service Manager
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Photo courtesy of Nashville City Paper
Dave Ramsey is becoming more and popular these days, especially with the troubling financial times we are finding ourselves in. Dave Ramsey is a financial expert and writer, his most popular book is called The Total Money Makeover. He’s earned the title of financial guru by learning the hard way about finances and the risk of going head over heals in debt. Dave was leveraged in real estate investments to the tune of four million dollars over twenty years ago. As fate would have it, he lost it all when his short term loans were sold and the new banks demanded payment before it was possible for Dave to deliver. This experience has caused Dave to change his thinking on loans and personal finance. He now advises people to pay debt off and cut up the credit cards. I personally like his country boy, down to earth, shoot it to you straight mentality. Dave Ramsey reminds me of a teacher that I had back in high school. Frank Gentry, my old marketing teacher, had a similar laid back teaching style. Dave Ramsey’s lessons encourage you to think and grow. Few teacher’s names are remembered years later in life unless they have truly affected your way of thinking and how you view opportunities. Dave, like my old marketing teacher is definitely a “glass is half full” type of guy. If your sick and tired of living your life “pay check to pay check”, then you’ll definitely want to listen to what Dave has to say.
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October 2, 2008
Auto Specialty Tools, Mechanics Tools, Service Manager

OTC 6521 Smoke Machine – Auto Specialty Tool
OK, so this smoke machine is an automotive specialty tool for Evaporative leak testing and not the type of smoke machine your kids will be wanting for Halloween. But, we have a great deal on the OTC 6521 smoke machine and decided to add it to our first annual Halloween, automotive tool sale. It’s on sale with free shipping and no sales tax charged outside the state of Florida (see current listing).
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August 23, 2008
Auto Shop Tools, Service Manager, Tech/Mechanic

This Bearly Used Grizzly Grinder was for sale recently – Classified Site
Back in the early eighties when I first started working on front wheel drive cars, the Goodyear shop that I worked at got one of these Grizzly Grinders (sold by Bear). It was the newest best way at the time, to sort of machine rotors on the vehicle when doing a brake job. Actually it didn’t really machine the brake rotors, it would grind them. The Grizzly Grinder only worked on front wheel drive vehicles, since there was no built in motor to spin the rotors. The Grizzly Grinder was bolted on where the caliper goes, the grinding discs were adjusted and then you would run the car in drive trying to maintain around 35 miles per hour! Metal would fly and you’d better be sure you’ve got it adjusted right or the rotors would be ground unevenly in a hurry. This was definitely a job you didn’t want the customer to watch.
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August 2, 2008
Ford Problems, OTC Tool Blog, Service Manager, Tech/Mechanic
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Some of our most requested tools lately has been specialty tools for aligning cams and cranks for timing chain alignment. In the past changing a timing chain or timing belt only required basic tools to get the job done. The camshaft and crankshaft sprockets only went on one way due to the design that used a key-way which only allowed the pulley to go on one way. Alignment marks for the cam and crank were aligned per directions from the service manual. Now many engines have no key-way and the pulleys are pressed on. Since the key-way is not used in increasing number of vehicles, specialty automotive tools are required to properly Align the cam and crank.
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June 22, 2008
General Interest, Service Manager

 The photo above was taken outside a bar in Tampa, Florida. The business owner’s humorous statement attracts attention from possible patrons.
Has a slowing economy along with climbing gas prices affected auto repair shops for better or for worse?
As gas prices increase along with almost everything else, most people will inevitably be keeping their cars longer and that means more vehicles with more repair needs. But, does that mean automotive repair shops will have an influx of work to do? That depends.
Shops rely on people to bring in their vehicles for oil changes where they hope to find additional auto repairs that will help them turn a profit. However, with tougher economic times encroaching, many people who would normally bring their vehicle in for a simple oil change will be choosing instead to change the oil themselves and save a few dollars. People will be more willing to drive their vehicle without air conditioning or take the rise of not getting extensive brake work as long as the vehicle stops. Bare minimum crucial fixes combined with a hope-for-the best mentality will keep many repair shop’s profits down.
On the flip side, because more people are driving older vehicles, many are making repair purchases with more of a preventative mentality by keeping their car in good working order so it will last. So although there might be less work to be had, the shop owner who is able to offer competitive pricing along with having an honest reputation will most likely be the one who drives more people into their shop.
June 21, 2008
Extended Warranty, Service Manager
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Should your car repair business honor aftermarket extended warranty policies? If you are willing to process the claims, there is great potential for additional business to be gained.
Car owners can elect to purchase coverage for mechanical break-downs with some exclusions. Some policies cover drive-train only. Maintenance like oil changes, tires and brake pads and shoes are commonly not covered. But for the average person that wants to budget a set amount for expenses extended warranties make good financial sense. For example, a transmission replacement might cost several thousand dollars.
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