March 13, 2010
Tool Comparison
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Auto mechanics need car tools to be productive, but at what cost?
© Summary: As with many industries the automotive mechanics tool industry is evolving due to availability and competition that the Internet has brought forth. In the past auto technicians mainly bought their auto mechanics car tools from mobile tool trucks such as Snap On, Mac Tools, Matco, Cornwell and USA Tools. This car tool article shows the trend of auto mechanics increasingly going on-line to find the tools they need. No longer are car tools ONLY available from the local tool truck salesman. Read on for a great selection of auto mechanics car tools.
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July 25, 2009
Auto Specialty Tools, Calvan Tools, Ford Problems, How To Auto Repair, Tool Comparison

Unique Ford spark plug design can easily break when removed
Summary: © When changing Ford spark plugs it’s good to be aware of the potential of breaking them in certain models. In this repair article, find out which ones are susceptible to separating when being removed. Learn how to remove them without breaking them and how to remove them if they do break. Denlors Auto Repair blog has had several articles about removing broken sparkplugs in Ford vehicles. In addition to Rotunda Separated Spark Plug Remover, we offer several less expensive options of removal tools. Compared to Ford Rotunda special service tools, we save our customers a lot of money, when removing broken spark plugs.
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November 9, 2008
Auto Specialty Tools, Tech/Mechanic, Tool Comparison
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Video inspection scopes are now quite affordable.
Doctors have used fiber optic bore-scopes and endoscopes in the medical field for a longer period of time than automotive technicians have used inspection scopes in the automotive repair field. The high cost for these gadgets in the past prevented lower income fields from justifying the purchase of them.
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September 30, 2008
Auto Scan Tool, OTC Tool Blog, Tool Comparison
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It seems that with all the new choices for wireless automotive scan tools now, information is hard to come by. Our recently revised automotive tech article compares the top three wireless, touch screen automotive scan tools from Snap On (Verus), OTC (Pegisys) and Launch (X431Tool). Snap On known for it’s quality tools and yes, high prices.
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September 21, 2008
Auto Scan Tool, OTC Tool Blog, Tool Comparison
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Good – Simple Actron Code Reader CP9125
The CP9125 Actron code reader is a very popular choice for the DIY (Do it Yourself-er) and for many used car dealers that want to read codes before the auction (or clear the codes prior to their car being ran through). The size of this tool makes it easy to carry in your pocket. No frills, just a good basic code reader with about 3,000Â definitions for Global OBD 2 codes.
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September 6, 2008
Auto Shop Tools, Tool Comparison

The Rigid brand video inspection scope is called the SeeSnake
Fiber optic borescopes have been a great tool for auto techs, locksmiths, plumbers and electricians for years. Until recently there hasn’t been many options for a video based borescope that is affordable. Not too many auto technicians or electricians that want to spend five to ten thousand dollars for a fancy video based borescope. There are basically two options for a low priced video scope that can be used for a variety of purposes, the Rigid See Snake and the Visual Optics Video Stik.
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