Master Kit for Ford 2V and 3V Spark Plugs?
May 15, 2018 1:33 pm Calvan Tools, Ford Problems, TIME-SERT Kits If you’re new to our blog, we sell spark plug thread repair kits for Fords. We’ve answered many questions over the years regarding these repairs in our blogs, videos and on the phone (800-524-9783 x-251). Here’s another question from one of our recent customers.
Question – I want to be equipped to fix Ford 3 valve spark plug threads. I see that there are kits for pre 2004 and 2004 up. Is there a master kit for all applications? I am very confused as this is not well documented.
Answer – There’s no master kit. Time Sert 5553 is for 2V engines. For a lower cost alternative see our Calvan 38900 listing. Our Calvan listing also has a more detailed application list. You’ll see that the 2004 cutoff (switching to 3V from 2V) does not apply to ALL models. The Time Sert 3221 is for 3V Ford engines up to around 2008. The lower cost alternative is the Calvan 39300 which is for 3V engines with M16x1.5 spark plugs. Also, Ford made a change in some models in late 2008’s using M12x1.25. Ford like’s to switch things up! See the M12x1.25 Time Sert 4212H spark plug thread repair kit for that application.
Researching spark plug blowouts? You’re not alone. For more information on our spark plug thread repair kits; like which kit is best for your application see the following article. Ford Spark Plug Blowouts – How to Repair.