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How to Find Noise’s in Cars – Time Saving Tools

12:09 pm Alternator

Mechanics Stethoscope Use Summary: Car repair and tool blog featuring specialty tools used to find noises in cars with less, or no, tear down. Low tech methods are also discussed like using a piece of heater hose or a long screwdriver held to the ear. Electronic devices improve on these methods quite a bit and also allow checking for noises while driving down the road. See our video talking about different noise detection methods to find unwanted noises like thumps, pops, creaks and rattles. The electronic tools we sell are used to help diagnose these problems easily.

Listening Devices for Mechanics – Noise detection tools are used to help pinpoint and diagnose the cause of noises. There are low tech methods like using a piece of heater hose or a long screwdriver (or pry bar) positioned on or near the suspected faulty part and the other end placed on the ear. An inexpensive mechanic’s stethoscope is an easy to use tool that every auto technician should have in their tool box. The mechanic’s stethoscope looks similar to a doctor’s stethoscope but has bendable probe that can be easily positioned into tight areas. The mechanic’s stethoscope uses no batteries and is always ready to help find a noise under the hood. If a pulley bearing, alternator bearing or water pump bearing needs to be checked this is a simple tool to use. Just place the probe on the part and listen. Be careful not to touch a moving pulley with the probe, because the noise picked up with the stethoscope can be very loud. There’s no volume control so that’s one disadvantage. There are more advanced ways to check for noises too.

Electronic stethoscopes like the Steelman EngineEar has more ability to block out some shop noises with it’s high quality head set. Volume control is something that the electronic stethoscope has over the old style mechanic’s stethoscope. And the volume control could just help save your hearing from being damaged since you can dial it down. We also have Chassis Ears which have multiple sensors which are attached at various places on the car’s suspension or chassis. This comes in great when the noise is only heard while driving or going over bumps. We recommend having both types of tools since they are used in different situations. The electronic stethoscope for use when the noise can be duplicated while the car is at a stop like in the service bay; and the electronic chassis ears when the noise only occurs while driving, like when going over bumps, braking or turning. See the product listings and descriptions for more information at and searching on the site for Chassis Ears.

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