January 15, 2011
General Interest, How To Auto Repair, Tech/Mechanic
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© DenLorsTools.com Summary: The proper automotive tools are just one key component for a successful auto tech. Times have changed with vehicles becoming more complex all the time.
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January 9, 2011

© DenLorsTools.com Summary: Stripped head bolt threads may require the replacement of the engine block. With an increasing number of aluminum heads, damaged threads in blocks are becoming a more common issue than ever before. Included in this DenLors Tools auto repair article is a video showing how to repair head bolt threads right in the car or truck. A truly time saving head-bolt thread repair system made by TIME-SERT which is approved by leading car manufacturers. See the “related section” for the different head bolt repair kits offered for sale.
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January 8, 2011
Auto Specialty Tools, Calvan Tools, TIME-SERT Kits

© DenLorsTools.com Summary: There are many thread repair kits available on the market today. The many choices can be very confusing for anyone who is faced with a repair that’s left their vehicle broken down. We help to provide simple information which makes choosing the best thread repair kits for particular situations.
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January 1, 2011
Consumer, DIY, How To Auto Repair

OAD stands for Overrunning Alternator Decoupler – Image Courtesy of the Gates Corp.
© DenLorsTools.com Summary: DenLors auto repair blog written by an ASE master tech. Helping to make sense of the clutch type alternator pulleys used on many cars today. Knowing how decoupler pulleys are designed and how they’re suppose to work is the first step in properly diagnosing problems. Many alternators are replaced needlessly due incorrectly diagnosed problems related to this type of pulley.
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January 1, 2011
Alternator, DIY, Dodge Caravan, Drivetrain and Noises

© DenLorsTools.com Summary: DenLors car Auto repair article covering a common problem with Dodge Caliber and Caravan alternators causing a loud noise – may sound similar to a diesel engine. A video with sound is in this article demonstrating the noise that could be heard. Premature alternator failure or de-coupler clutch pulley gone bad? Read on to learn about the possibility of a less expensive solution when the knocking noise is coming from the alternator area.
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