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Headlight Restoration Review – Cleaner for Yellow Head Lights

11:04 am DIY, How To Auto Repair, Service Manager

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Summary: Headlight restoration kits reviewed for clearing up yellow hazy headlights. Restore head lights to clear condition for safety and better appearance.

We recently had a customer that owns a car wash purchase 100 of Bright Solutions Headlamp Restoration kits. This of course peaked our interest and we had to ask ourselves the question. “Why would a car wash business purchase so many of these kits?” Obviously they were impressed with the performance of the product. Pictures are worth a thousand words, that’s why in this article we’ve decided to let them do most of the talking. Below we show before and after pictures of our test run with this product .Our test subject is a 1997 Saturn with 139,000 miles on it. The headlights are yellow and hazy.

The first step is to determine how severe the weather damage is to the lenses. If there are no visible scratches, the kit can be used without the use of the sandpaper squares. Regardless of how bad the condition is, wet sanding will speed up the process.

The product claims there is enough product in this kit to restore one car’s headlights. This is true, but if a person was willing to go to a local parts store and purchase some additional fine grit sand paper and towels, the kit could be stretched to work on several cars. There is enough pretreatment, cleaner and restorer to work on more than one vehicle.


1. Remove all the contents of the package. Select one of the towels and fold in quarters. Thoroughly shake the Bright Solutions water based pretreatment before applying to the towel. Saturate the towel with the water based pretreatment and clean the entire lens with a circular motion. Continue cleaning and flipping the towel using all surfaces. This should start to reveal a clearer lens just in the first step.

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2. Use the plastic bubble packaging to hold water for the wet sanding process. Start with wet 1500 grit sandpaper moving back and forth in a straight motion (not circular). Next use the 2000 grit sandpaper in the same manner.

3. Using a clean towel use the shaken bottle of headlamp cleaner. Polish the entire lens with a circular motion. Once the lens appears highly polished, use a clean towel to remove remaining polish as if buffing a car’s surface.


Shine Restorer/Preserver
4. Out of direct sunlight, apply a liberal amount of shine restorer across the lens avoiding runs. Apply wet and allow to dry. Multiple coats can increase shine and protective properties. For the manufacturers directions see the pdf manual page 1 and page 2.

Conclusion: The Bright Solutions headlamp restoration worked well, it definitely worked as advertised. For headlights that are badly pitted, a more aggressive type restoration system may be required like the Headlight Restoration kit that uses an electric drill. We also have a Professional Headlamp Restoration Kit with Air Tools for automotive repair and car detailing businesses that want to increase revenue by adding this valuable service (this kit pays for itself quickly).

One Response
  1. Choi Chong :

    Date: January 14, 2011 @ 4:20 am

    How effective and how much is your product? Thank you

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