Free Auto Repair Manuals – Online Information
May 14, 2009 8:53 pm Consumer, DIY, Tech/MechanicWho knew the EGR passage on this Honda was underneath a cover on the plenum?
The best source for free auto repair manual information on-line can be found by simply using Google or other search engines for the mechanical problem or issue at hand. For instance if you were having a problem loosening a Honda crank pulley bolt for pulley removal; just type into Google “honda crank pulley removal” and you will find helpful information.
DenLors Tools comes up under that search on Google along with our YouTube Video showing the specialty tool and how it’s done! So blogs like this one and forums that specialize in certain types of cars have all the free information needed in MANY cases. You may be surprised at all the free auto repair information that is available on the Internet and people that respond to questions in blogs and forums that are very happy to help.
Inexpensive On-line Auto Repair Information
In some cases you may need access to wiring diagrams, torque specifications or step by step directions for completing a specific job; this is when a repair manual loaded with tons of information is needed. Googling free auto repair information on the Internet is great, especially when quick accurate help has been gained, but it’s also nice to have an auto repair manual as another source to go to. Some searches for car repair information may not yield the best results – so again free is good and inexpensive access to a auto repair manual information is also as good, sometimes better. If finding free auto repair information is just not happening, then buying an inexpensive on-line subscription from a company like ALLData may be necessary. The beauty of this is that the auto repair information needed can be accessed instantly on-line for the current project and then referred back to later for other jobs.
Below are some of the areas covered by ALLData DIY
- Repair manual
- Automobile maintenance information
- Technical Service Bulletins – TSB’s
- Wiring diagrams
- Torque sequence and specifications
- Specific car information
- Do it yourself -Â DIY help
- Auto how to directions
- Mechanic tools needed
- Diagnosis descriptions
- Timing belt marks
- Timing chain markings
- Firing order
- Serpentine belt routing
- Recommended maintenance schedule
- Power window initialization procedures
- Valve adjustment steps
There are many car repair manuals available on-line, keep in mind ALLData repair manuals are used in professional auto repair shops throughout the world. While there is a small fee for the subscription for a specific vehicle, being able to do some car repairs yourself is well worth the nominal fee. DenLors Tools sells paper and CD Rom auto repair manuals for those that prefer to hold the book in their hand. But if waiting for an auto repair manual to be mailed is not an option, then instant on-line access could be the best solution. Once the auto repair info is viewed at ALLData, it will become obvious that the wealth of reliable information that can be accessed quickly and easily is well worth the small investment.
harry nixon :
Date: June 9, 2009 @ 2:14 am
Do you have any repair information on a 2002 mitsubishi galant wiper motor remove and install?
dennisb - Auto Tool Sales :
Date: June 9, 2009 @ 10:24 am
We don’t have any information on that particular repair (wiper motor replacement). That’s a perfect example of when the eAutoRepair (Mitchell Auto Repair Info) subscription would come in handy.
robert martel :
Date: October 18, 2009 @ 3:54 pm
Could anyone tell me where the front 02 sensor is located on a 2005 hyundai elantra 2.0 4cyl?
dennisb - Auto Tool Sales :
Date: October 19, 2009 @ 6:24 am
Robert, since it’s a 4 cylinder there’s only one exhaust pipe (or manifold) coming off the motor. The FRONT Oxygen sensor is before the catalytic converter – between the cat and the motor, this is also called UPSTREAM in relation to the flow of the exhaust.
If I remember correctly on your car it is located in the exhaust manifold itself.
bob :
Date: November 13, 2009 @ 11:50 am
how do i fix brake pressure fluxuation on a 97 caravan
hayley willett :
Date: December 21, 2009 @ 3:52 pm
i have a ford fiesta zetec s. my electric windows on both doors have all of a sudden stopped working. they have power as i have had this checked but when i push the buttons not even the interior dash lights dim as they used to. iv tried different switches but still dont work and i have tried the fuse and relay. i have a toad alarm on the car and usually i can undo the windows by pressing two buttons on the fob but not even that is working. help
Jim Lane :
Date: January 2, 2010 @ 10:26 pm
Looking for info on electrical. 1993 Chrysler N/Y fith Ave. 3.3 ltr. I have a current draw on the automatic trans module fuse circuit that kills the battery while the vehicle is parked for a couple of days. Can you tell me what is all on this circuit. I know the light for the hood is on it. I removed the bulb and the draw is still there. Can you tell me where and what to look for? Thank you
Jim lane.
dennisb - Auto Tool Sales :
Date: January 3, 2010 @ 8:40 am
Jim, I would first load test the battery to make sure it’s not something simple like a weak cell. Use an amp meter/amprobe to measure the draw (keep in mind that around a half amp draw is normal). A half amp draw is required by the computer, radio and etc. to maintain memory for fuel strategy, programmed radio stations and so forth. If you have a higher draw, I would normally start removing fuses one by one until the circuit is pinpointed that is pulling excessive power. If the transmission module in your case is pulling more than .50 to .75 amps the you may have narrowed down the problem. Pulling fuses like I described can be time consuming; you may opt for an electrical short tracer which can help trace problems without piercing wires. For more information a good wiring diagram is best to have, you can obtain one (and get TSB, info & much more) by signing up for an on-line auto repair manual subscription for coverage on your car. Need even more assistance after you’ve gone as far as you can on your own? Try asking a dealer technician on our ask a car repair question page – many times dealer techs will know of common issues with specific models and can save you a lot of time.
Russell :
Date: January 6, 2010 @ 6:19 pm
Hi I have a 96 chevy cobalt and recently there was a slight smell of antifreeze in the car when the heat is on and now it’s gotten much worse.. I hadnt seen any water leaking until today I noticed there was antifreeze coming from under the car on the passenger side and after searching for a while I found it is coming out of a little plastic nozzle thats sticking out of the passenger side under the hood on the firewall.. I wanted to see if you could tell me what is the nozzle thats leaking the fluid and also is that the reason for the antifreeze smell when the heat is running. Theres no water in the passenger floor board but I would think that leaking from the unknown plastic nozzle has something to do with the problem..Thanks for any advice you can offer and I pray it’s something I can fix myself since I cant afford to take it to a mech and my wife needs it for work..Thank you
Russell :
Date: January 6, 2010 @ 6:21 pm
I’m sorry it’s a 2006 chevy cobalt not a 96..
ed willis :
Date: March 5, 2010 @ 4:20 pm
i just bought a dodge dakota 1992 in mexco. and find that its pretty impossible to find a repain manuel. i online bought the chilton and its junk plus a rip off. need somewhere to look and figure out the majority of my problems. mostly small elecr. ed
Elizabeth :
Date: April 13, 2010 @ 8:47 pm
I meant to ask how to install fuel pump on the 03 S10 Blazer not gas pump
Jay :
Date: May 20, 2010 @ 8:53 pm
do you have information covering the clutch replacement on a 1994 alfa romeo 164 LS
dennisb - Auto Tool Sales :
Date: May 20, 2010 @ 9:02 pm
Jay, you may want to check out the on-line auto repair subscription options on the car repair manuals page.
Bill Wymer :
Date: July 23, 2010 @ 2:12 pm
Heater motor on my gf’s 200 Saturn LS does not work. Have tested the switches, checked fuses so next step is to get to the fan otor. How, don’t want to tear the dash apart if I don’t have to.
Jim Quinn :
Date: September 23, 2010 @ 3:06 pm
The abs brake warning light on my Dodge Dakota Sport 5.8 liter eng. comes on every once in awhile. I have had the brakes ckd out and everything is ok. Where is thes sensor located. Thanks Jim
dennisb - Auto Tool Sales :
Date: September 23, 2010 @ 3:24 pm
Jim, the ABS should be scanned. The light coming on could mean an erratic signal from a wheel speed sensor or a number of other problems. Data may also need to be viewed to help pinpoint the problem.
cal :
Date: June 2, 2011 @ 4:13 pm
87f150 can not git fuel pumps to work no power coming from relay
david :
Date: November 23, 2012 @ 7:31 am
the heater on my 2004 ford ranger only blows cold air there are no fluids leaking and both hoses going to heater are hot the engine isn’t over heating it sounds like a/c compresser wants to kick in
dennisb - Auto Tool Sales :
Date: November 23, 2012 @ 8:08 am
David, you may want to check out our heater not cooling articles for more information. I would suspect a clogged heater core though. Good Luck.
Roger Shepard :
Date: January 8, 2013 @ 3:15 pm
I need information on a 2000 Chev. Tahoa. We can turn the AC on and it gets cold,then turn the AC off and turn temp. control to hot, it gets hot. but we CANNOT turn the temp back to cold even with the AC on,it gets very hot in the car. If we turn off motor for a while with the AC on and later start the motor it will be cold again.
dennisb - Auto Tool Sales :
Date: January 8, 2013 @ 3:21 pm
Roger, I would check the actuator. It might be more complicated than that though. Good Luck.
rrt :
Date: April 10, 2014 @ 2:58 pm
have ford ranger, a/c not coming on , is full of refridgerant??
dennisb - Auto Tool Sales :
Date: April 10, 2014 @ 3:37 pm
Most likely cause is low refrigerant. Tip. Try tapping on the low side switch with a wrench. Sometimes it could come on temporarily. Could also be a bad coil for the clutch. Might have to do some testing Good Luck.
cynthia :
Date: April 18, 2015 @ 8:58 am
Can u show me a diagram with a 2002 4.0 mercury mountaineer pvc location ..I have searched a 1000 times all over Internet amd can not find out where this is located ..A thousand thanks in advance
dennisb - Auto Tool Sales :
Date: April 20, 2015 @ 7:29 am
Where is the location of the PCV on the 2001 Mercury Mountaineer 4.0 (same as Ford Explorer)? Cynthia, you may be able to find the location of the PCV valve by following the PCV line to the rear valve cover. If you can’t the Ford parts department will be able to point to the exact location when you purchase the PCV valve. The PCV line is usually what fails though causing a vacuum leak. The rubber elbows usually deteriorate and cave in or just leak vacuum causing a vacuum leak and P0171 and P0174 lean codes. Good Luck.