June 22, 2008
What's New?

My wife and I visited our local Lowes home improvement store, looking for a new ceiling fan. While looking up at the ceiling fans, I walked around the end of the aisle in-between a guy and this tool box. I actually walked right in front of him, while he was trying to snap a picture. The guy was all giddy, had his cell phone out and was snapping a shot of a tool box. He looks at me and says “It’s got a fridge”.
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June 22, 2008
General Interest, Service Manager

 The photo above was taken outside a bar in Tampa, Florida. The business owner’s humorous statement attracts attention from possible patrons.
Has a slowing economy along with climbing gas prices affected auto repair shops for better or for worse?
As gas prices increase along with almost everything else, most people will inevitably be keeping their cars longer and that means more vehicles with more repair needs. But, does that mean automotive repair shops will have an influx of work to do? That depends.
Shops rely on people to bring in their vehicles for oil changes where they hope to find additional auto repairs that will help them turn a profit. However, with tougher economic times encroaching, many people who would normally bring their vehicle in for a simple oil change will be choosing instead to change the oil themselves and save a few dollars. People will be more willing to drive their vehicle without air conditioning or take the rise of not getting extensive brake work as long as the vehicle stops. Bare minimum crucial fixes combined with a hope-for-the best mentality will keep many repair shop’s profits down.
On the flip side, because more people are driving older vehicles, many are making repair purchases with more of a preventative mentality by keeping their car in good working order so it will last. So although there might be less work to be had, the shop owner who is able to offer competitive pricing along with having an honest reputation will most likely be the one who drives more people into their shop.
June 21, 2008
Extended Warranty, Service Manager
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Should your car repair business honor aftermarket extended warranty policies? If you are willing to process the claims, there is great potential for additional business to be gained.
Car owners can elect to purchase coverage for mechanical break-downs with some exclusions. Some policies cover drive-train only. Maintenance like oil changes, tires and brake pads and shoes are commonly not covered. But for the average person that wants to budget a set amount for expenses extended warranties make good financial sense. For example, a transmission replacement might cost several thousand dollars.
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June 18, 2008
General Interest
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New York’s automotive equivalent to Bermuda’s airplane and boat mystery…. The Empire State Building, one of the seven wonders of the modern world has people wondering about something else besides the engineering marvel. About ten to fifteen car’s computers have been seemingly jammed near the Empire State building in New York every day, revealed Isaac Leviev. (Issac is the manager of Citywide Towing, the AAA’s exclusive roadside assistance provider in this area). The radio, headlights and horn work but the cars will only crank over without starting.
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June 18, 2008
Ford Problems, What's New?
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OK, finally Calvan has released their version of the OTC 303-1203. The Calvan is pictured on the left and the Rotunda is on the right. Calvan actually did a very nice job, improving on the Ford design and including a storage case. And they even upgraded the thread tap by adding badly needed length to it to reach down in the spark plug recess of the cylinder head. Still no word about if Calvan is going to tackle the production of a lower cost equivalent to the 303-1398 porcelain remover. Read the rest…
June 14, 2008
Off Topic
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The picture above is of my wife Lori, our Toy Fox Terrier Sophie and of myself under an old style umbrella from the early 70’s.
We all need a break from our hectic work schedules from time to time. As an automotive technician for over 23 years and now as the owner/manager of DenLors automotive tool sales operation, sometimes it’s nice not to even see or hear a car for awhile.
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