May 15, 2018
Calvan Tools, Ford Problems, TIME-SERT Kits
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If you’re new to our blog, we sell spark plug thread repair kits for Fords. We’ve answered many questions over the years regarding these repairs in our blogs, videos and on the phone (800-524-9783 x-251). Here’s another question from one of our recent customers.
Question – I want to be equipped to fix Ford 3 valve spark plug threads. I see that there are kits for pre 2004 and 2004 up. Is there a master kit for all applications? I am very confused as this is not well documented.
Answer – There’s no master kit. Time Sert 5553 is for 2V engines. For a lower cost alternative see our Calvan 38900 listing. Our Calvan listing also has a more detailed application list. You’ll see that the 2004 cutoff (switching to 3V from 2V) does not apply to ALL models. The Time Sert 3221 is for 3V Ford engines up to around 2008. The lower cost alternative is the Calvan 39300 which is for 3V engines with M16x1.5 spark plugs. Also, Ford made a change in some models in late 2008’s using M12x1.25. Ford like’s to switch things up! See the M12x1.25 Time Sert 4212H spark plug thread repair kit for that application.
Researching spark plug blowouts? You’re not alone. For more information on our spark plug thread repair kits; like which kit is best for your application see the following article. Ford Spark Plug Blowouts – How to Repair.
June 28, 2017
Ford Problems, TIME-SERT Kits
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Since you’ve found this page, chances are you’re either a Ford owner with a spark plug blowout problem or a mechanic (possibly a shop owner) looking for the best fix for his customer that has a Ford spark plug blowout issue. As you’re finding out, there are many choices and… many prices! Parts stores have the quick temporary fixes. We’ve been helping to make sense of spark plug thread repair options since 2005. We get calls frequently on Ford spark plug thread repairs questions. First time repairs, second time repairs and yes even 3rd or 4th time repairs! Ninety nine percent of the time our kits can fix spark plug threads when others have failed. And when parts store quick fixes fail, they end up making the hole even BIGGER. Read on for more information on permanent spark plug thread repairs or call us for personal assistance in choosing the correct kit for your situation and particular vehicle at 800-524-9783. Read the rest…
January 12, 2017
Ford Problems
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The most common problem we help people deal with is related to parts store thread repair kits that have failed. Once this happens the owner or shop sometimes tries unsuccessfully to re-install another of the same type inserts. When a parts store insert fails it makes the hole bigger, which prevents the same size insert from being able to help matters. Other times, some shops will say (mistakenly) that the cylinder head has to be replaced! If you have a similar situation, we can most likely recommend to you or your repair shop a professional, permanent type repair that will save the head and save a lot of money. No time to read? Call us at 800-524-9783 x251.
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June 10, 2016
Calvan Tools, Consumer, Ford Problems
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The following is an email from a customer: Hello Dennis, Good morning. Hope you’ve had a great summer so far. Quick update for you. I took on the project to install sleeves on all the spark plugs on my V-10 F-250. I had originally installed two sleeves (of lesser quality) and found out that the previous owners had also done another one (of lesser quality also). In all, three spark plugs had blown out of this engine before I decided to replace them all. Â I ordered your Calvan 38900 Ford spark plug thread repair kit and four extra sleeves (inserts) and started working on my truck the last week.
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May 28, 2016
Calvan Tools, Ford Problems, TIME-SERT Kits

DennisB © Summary: Here’s a common question we get when it comes to Ford spark plug blowouts and which kit to use on 2001 and up Ford RF-1L2E Romeo style heads. Because of the extra step material the spark plug may sit up a little higher if a counterbore is not used. Then there’s the issue with parts store kit like the Helocoil Save-A-Thread kit that commonly fail making the hole bigger, which requires an oversize repair kit. We deal with this all the time. The heads can be saved in most cases if done properly with a good quality kit like the ones we sell.
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December 18, 2015
Ford Problems
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DennisB © Summary: We sell the ATD5401 at a great price. It’s a replacement spark plug insert that is installed using the ATD-5400 spark plug thread repair kit typically used on Ford 4.6, 5.4 and 6.8 liter engines with 2 valves per cylinder. The ATD5401 replacement spark plug insert is a stainless alloy steel insert that lasts the lifetime of an engine when repairing a spark plug hole from a spark plug blowout. See current pricing on the ATD-5401.
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May 17, 2015
Ford Problems, TIME-SERT Kits
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DennisB © Summary: The Time Sert 5600 is one of our most popular spark plug thread repair kits. This is because it can handle the repair of the largest blown out spark plug holes out there. With so many inferior type repairs sold at parts stores, that typically end up failing or never hold to begin with and ALWAYS make the hole bigger, the Time Sert 5600 Triple Oversized thread repair has finding it’s way into more and more vehicle and shop owner’s hands!
You’ve got questions, Dennis our resident master tech has answers… including a how to video of him demonstrating the use of the Time Sert 5600 in a Ford F150!
We don’t sell on Amazon or Ebay, so remember to get the free next day shipping and our exclusive Tips, order from or Just mention on the phone that you would like the tips or if checking out online, write tips in the comment section during check out. Have questions? Want to know what’s in the box? See below. Read the rest…
June 9, 2014
Ford Problems
14 Comments Summary: Paint bubbling on Ford Mustang is a common issue. At first glance the bubbled or blistered area looks like rust bubbling the paint, but wait this hood is aluminum!
Aluminum cannot rust, but it can corrode. Corrosion under the factory paint causing paint to bubble is a very common issue. There’s even a TSB (Technical Service Bulletin) about this. The Ford Mustang is not the only vehicle affected either. The TSB includes Ford Explorer, Taurus, Expedition, Lincoln Navigator, Mercury Sable and more. Outside the 3 year 36,000 mile warranty, Ford owners are left to pay for this repair themselves. It does make Ford owner’s question their loyalty to Ford on their next new car purchase though. Read the rest…
August 7, 2013
Ford Problems, TIME-SERT Kits
No Comments Summary: TIME-SERT 5553 spark plug thread repair kit video used primarily on Ford Triton engines from around 98-2004 with 14×1.25mm threads. We have free next day shipping on this and many other Time-Sert thread repair kits. The video linked above shows the parts breakdown of the 5553 kit.
The TIME-SERT 5553 spark plug thread repair kit is a Big Sert kit which is over sized (larger than standard kits). It is used primarily on the Ford 4.6, 5.4 and 6.8 Triton engines. Those engines have had a common issue with spark plugs blowing out. The kit can also be used on some other applications using taper seat spark plugs with M14 x1.25mm. The 5553 kit uses a 51549 part number which is larger on the outside diameter than many other competitive brands. Fully threaded inserts are also available, see the TIME-SERT 5553 thread repair kit, product listing at DenLors Tools for more information or call us at 800-524-9783.

September 13, 2011
Ford Problems, TIME-SERT Kits, Uncategorized
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© Summary: Jump to Time-Sert 3221 Ford 3V Spark plug repair kit. The 3221 thread repair kit which uses PN 32214 inserts is designed for replacing damaged threads in Ford 4.6 and 5.4’s that use “Ford’s Better Idea” spark plugs. This article covers, measurement of the outside diameter of the 32214 spark plug insert which comes in the Time-Sert 3221 thread repair kit.
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