October 4, 2013
Cooling Systems

DenLorsTools.com Summary: Tips on how to check an overheated car and we cover some tools that help if first the problem isn’t revealed. A car motor overheating can cause engine damage pretty quickly. Here we cover the basics on quickly checking for the cause of an overheat. Some tools make the job easier, but many things can be checked without any special tools if you know what to look for.
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July 5, 2013
Cooling Systems, TIME-SERT Kits

©DenLorsTools.com Summary: Toyota engines are known for their great gas mileage, being very dependable and lasting for well over 100,000 miles. One thing Toyota engines don’t handle very well is being overheated. Toyotas are susceptible to the common causes and failures that affect other vehicles as well as new common failure. In this article we’ll do a quick rundown of common causes of overheating in any type of car. Also an additional failure that is causing blown head gaskets even on cars that have not been overheated.
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