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Infiniti G37 Navigation Update

3:20 pm DIY

Infiniti NAV Summary: I recently did the NAV update on my wife’s 2013 Infiniti G37 Coupe. The update came with 5 DVD’s and the update process is done by following the directions and putting the DVD’s in the CD player one by one. 

I wasn’t sure if updating the NAV system on a 2013 is really worth the cost just to update changes that occurred in one year. There does seem to be a lot of road construction going on everywhere. And there’s nothing more frustrating than getting incorrect driving instructions due to an exit being changed that may now no longer there or accessible. The NAV updates for just one year can include over a half a million road updates and over a hundred thousand miles of new roads which could affect exits among many other things. Points of interest like restaurants, gas stations and ATMs are also updated for accuracy.

First let me say we at does not sell NAV update software. This is just an informational article that we thought would help some of our blog readers. Sometimes related advertisements will run on our pages, that we are not affiliated with.

The software update for our car was originally offered to us from the dealer for $179.00. The price came down and was offered a while later for 129.00. Finally some more time went by and the price was $99. The software is time sensitive so as time goes by it makes sense for the purchase price to go down. Well at $99 we thought it was worth it to keep our NAV system up to date.

The First Disc. The first disc surprisingly is not number one. It’s zero. Followed ny 1-4 which equals a total of 5 DVDs. When starting this process, it’s best to allot a couple of hours. It’s not hard, just time-consuming. Park the car outside the garage because you don’t want the vehicle running a couple of hours causing fumes to get inside the house. A parking brake is suggested for safety. You will also need your activation code or else you will stuck a while longer calling for assistance getting that; which will add to the total time spent doing the update. The first time I started to do the update I was 15 minutes in before it asked for the activation code and I realized I didn’t have it handy. And it was Sunday so I couldn’t call the 800 number for assistance.

The Infinity gives good step by step directions, so there’s no need to rehash those. Just line up the discs in the correct order and read the screen prompts. The application software takes a lot longer than I would have imagined. But the display will keep you informed of the progress of each disc.  Application software, Navigation Map update etc. Basically if you can read and follow instructions there’s no reason not to do this job yourself. Afterwards you’ll be sure not to miss any exits because of inaccurate navigation instructions. At least for another year.

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